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Electroporation for Hair Loss
What Is Electroporation?
Electroporation is a futuristic hair loss treatment system that transports customized natural medicines directly into the dermal layer of the skin.
Electroporation is a “no-needle” treatment method, meaning it is used in place of a syringe.
Amazingly, Electroporation sends treatment products 200x deeper than a needle can reach, while delivering necessary growth factors to the scalp to stimulate hair growth.
How Electroporation Works
Electroporation makes use of electric pulses, creating gaps in the stratum corneum layer of the skin so that our enhancement serums can be introduced into the basal and dermis layers of the skin. Collagen, hyaluronic acid, and other substances can be administered deep into the skin painlessly and quickly without having to rely on needles.
Electroporation treatments are effective at:
Improving blood circulation to the scalp, leading to more growth
Prevents the shortening of the hair growth cycle, a common occurrence in hair loss caused by DHT
Reducing hair oxidation and discoloration, leaving strands healthy and youthful
Improving the ECM proteins in dermal papilla surrounding hair bulb, which better anchors hair to the scalp and increases likelihood of long growth
Electroporation Gets Results:
Electroporation replaces needles through different trans-dermal delivery mechanisms (electromagnetic waves, ultrasound, galvanic currents etc).
The application of these systems on the scalp causes the cell membrane micro-pores to open temporarily, which allows the active ingredients to enter via the epidermis and to be directly absorbed by the body.
Electroporation is safe and harmless techniques for the skin, which allows the transport of any type of substance. At Nina Ross the substance we use is a blend of peptides and growth factors that to stop hair loss and stimulate hair regrowth simultaneously
Electroporation Treatments with Nina Ross
During your electroporation appointment with Nina Ross, we will apply customized serums which have been derived naturally from plants to treat a variety of problems, from stopping hair loss to reducing scalp inflammation to stimulating hair growth.
After treatment, the scalp will feel rejuvenated and refreshed.
The treatment itself, performed by our specialist, takes about 60 minutes depending on the extension of the area being treated.
During the treatment, a small quantity of our Fusion Mesotherapy formula is applied directly into the scalp. While oral medications have to pass through the digestive system before being absorbed into the bloodstream, electroporation guarantees the formula is delivered directly to the scalp.
This method multiples the effects of the formula and can provide more effective results than oral or topical solutions alone.
Usually a minimum of 10 sessions is required to stimulate hair growth. We recommend starting with an intensive course of treatments every 2 weeks for the first 2-3 months. The frequency then gradually decreases and the results of hair rejuvenation become evident already after 2-3 months.
In order to keep the results maintenance treatments are needed generally once every 2 to 3 months.
Electroporation FAQ’s
Is the Electroporation treatment safe?
Yes, Electroporation is 100% safe. We only use our own patent pending formula of FDA approved medications, natural vitamins and herbs.
Is the treatment painful?
The treatment is not painful at all. It is non-invasive and has no known side-effects at all.
How soon can I expect to see results after the first treatment?
The results of any hair restoration treatments always vary between individuals, but in most cases it will take 3 – 4 months before results are noticeable.
Although some patients report good results within a few weeks of starting treatment, it’s better to allow three to six months for full effect of the treatment to develop.
Can this be used with PRP and hair loss medication?
Yes, your treatment plan might recommend PRP or medication as a part of your Fusion therapy, ask the experts at Nina Ross Hair and Skin Therapy for more information.
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