Home / Common Concerns / Dermatitis
This scalp problem is often seen in the clinic. It’s a condition associated with excessive oiliness of the scalp.
Cause is not known but genetics, hormones and yeast are found to be contributing factors. Consultation, microscopic examination and treatments are implemented with a cleansing regime and recommended products are offered to keep the problem under control.
However if there is and infection referral to a Dermatologist for antibiotics is given.
Treatments are topical application of herbs, stimulants and UV light. This has proven to be beneficial in correcting this problem with adjustment to the procedure.
The inflammation of skin is called dermatitis; which occurs in many forms and can have many causes.
A severe form of dermatitis results in painful cracks, crusty scales and blisters that ooze fluid.
Dermatitis of the scalp is indicated by scaling and redness. If it is severe, it may lead to hair loss.
Types of Dermatitis
Contact dermatitis- the skin develops an itchy pink or red rash. It can further be an irritant contact dermatitis or allergic contact dermatitis.
Nummular dermatitis- coin-shaped red plaques develop on the skin of hands, arms, legs, and torso. Nummular dermatitis is more common in men during the age of 55 to 65.
Atopic dermatitis (eczema)- the skin itches, scales, swells and sometimes develops blisters.
Seborrheic dermatitis- Seborrheic dermatitis is a common scalp problem that is associated with excessive oiliness of the scalp. Although the cause is not known, there have been a number of studies claiming that genetics, hormones and yeast may be contributing factors.
Symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis can include greasy, reddish or yellowish scaling on the face, scalp, genitals, skin under the breasts, creases along the nose, and other hairy areas.
Treatment for a case of seborrheic dermatitis would begin with a consultation. A microscopic examination of the scalp is done along with implementing a cleansing regimen. Your trichologist or scalp specialist will offer you products to keep the condition under control. In the event that a dermatologist is treating a case of seborrheic dermatitis, antibiotics may be prescribed.
Stasis dermatitis- oedema, fluid build-up, pooling of blood and irritation around the ankles.
Dermatitis Symptoms
Redness on the scalp- the scalp appears red, with an itchy rash and flaky scales. These symptoms are associated with seborrheic dermatitis.
Oily scalp with eruptions- the scalp that remains oily develops redness, burning, swelling, and itching.
Boils with lots of itching- inflamed itchy patches occur during flare-ups and then become red. These can appear in any part of your body, especially the face and involves the areas like breast, groin, under the folds of arms, and around the navel.
What can you do about Dermatitis?
Nina Ross offers Seborrheic dermatitis treatment in Atlanta using the following approach -
After a careful physical and Capilloscopy examination, the severity of the disorder is assessed.
We administer a series of Mesotherapy Treatments with cosmacueticals special formulated to fight against Dermatitis.
Shampoos having ingredients useful to control dandruff are advised with specific frequencies.
We use our handcrafted, topical emollients to soothe the inflamed scalp.
Patients are advised to stop oiling their scalp if it is known to cause aggravation.
A specific amino acid is given in therapeutic dosage only after ruling out uncontrolled blood pressure and increased levels of uric acid. ‘If needed’ – what is needed and what is the purpose?
Guidance is given so as to avoid any relapses.
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