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Nutrient/Hormone Levels Blood Testing
This combination of Nutrient and Hormone level tests is going to give you a clear, comprehensive picture of your unique situation.
Results may help you with:
Treating any hormonal imbalances
Establishing an optimal diet plan
Understanding why you may be experiencing hair loss
Knowing if you have a high amount of stress hormone
Setting yourself up for your optimal weight
Knowing all the necessary vitamins, minerals and amino acids that you need for proper functioning of nutritional and energetic metabolism
Monitoring your biological markers enables you to identify and correct these factors early on, when there is the greatest opportunity to reverse underlying problems.
Comprehensive Hormone Panel info
As we enter the middle age years, our bodies’ production of hormones needed to maintain youthful vitality rapidly declines, while others that lead to hair loss and many other issues may rise. We run a full check up of all hormones to get a clear picture of whether an imbalance may be leading to hair loss or any other concern.
Included in the Hormone Panel are:
DHT (Hair Loss Hormone)
Estradiol (E2) (a form of estrogen)
Testosterone (Free and Total)
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)
Free T3
Free T4
Chemistry Panel (Complete metabolic panel with lipids)
Complete Blood Count (CBC)
PSA (screening test for prostate cancer) (men only)
Comprehensive Nutrient Panel info
This panel measures a combination of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants; offering an evaluation of nutrients that could be impacting your mental and physical well-being. Vitamin and nutrient imbalances could be causing or a contributing factor to many health issues. Experts believe that hair loss, brittle nails, insomnia, rashes, fatigue, and a variety of chronic health conditions are often associated with nutritional deficiencies.
Included in the Hormone Panel are:
Vitamin B12
Vitamin D 25-hydroxy
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
RBC magnesium
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